Big News! Name of Character Given Reprieve Stated by JKR, Says She Will Write Hogwarts Encyclopedia
Jul 24, 2007
Holy flying Hippogriffs everyone! If the excitement over the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows wasn’t enough for you, in a new interview with NBC‘s The “Today Show,”(UPDATE: Partial transcript now online via Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has now revealed the news that some additional delights are in store for fans of the series. She indicated in the interview, which is due to air this week on Thursday (July 26) and Friday (July 27) that she will indeed write a sort of Hogwarts, a History type of book, by penning an encyclopedia about the beloved magical world of Harry Potter. Full quotage on this eagerly awaited news is as follows:
“J.K. Rowling told TODAY‘s Meredith Vieira she will most likely publish a Potter encyclopedia, promising many more details about her beloved characters and the fate of the wizarding world beyond the few clues provided in the seventh book’s epilogue.
While Rowling hasn’t officially started writing the encyclopedia, although she’s got plenty of material from the stories left on the cutting room floor over the past 17 years.
“I’ve said before that Dean Thomas had a much more interesting history than ever appeared in the books for me, and you just see glimpses of it’ Rowling said. “But to write it really would take us into prequel territory. And that does take us into Star Wars territory. And that’s not really a place I’m planning to go.
“So there’s always been bits that I knew about characters that didn’t make final cuts because they weren’t that relevant.”
…Fans will have to wait a bit longer to get their hands on Rowling’s next Potter work.
“I’m not going to (write the encyclopedia) tomorrow because I’d really like a break’ Rowling said. “So you may be waiting.”
Jo also goes on to reveal the name of one of the characters who got a reprieve from death as it were, as this character had originally been slated to die in the books, but Jo changed her mind. To read this name for yourself (and prevent some SPOILERS for those who have not finished reading “Deathly Hallows”) click here.
Thanks much Meghan!