Jan 31, 2001
Entertainment Rewired has an article containing an apology from WB for the way it’s acted towards Web site owners who have domains with “Harry Potter” as part of them. The article also says that (finally) the official Harry Potter Web site will launch in mid-February most likely to coincide with the International Toy Fair in …read more!
Jan 30, 2001
The London Times announces that UK greeting card company International Greetings won a Harry Potter license to produce stationary.
Jan 30, 2001
The Sacramento Bee has an article talking about the owner of Zimmerman’s Toys is winning an award from Playthings Magazine for Store Promotions using a licensed character. They created a “Harry Potter Club” shortly after the book series became popular and will be honored at a ceremony that coincides with the New York International Toy …read more!
Jan 29, 2001
The LA Times has Letters to the Editor regarding the concern that Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t look like the Harry Potter in our minds.
Jan 28, 2001
The Beaufort Gazette talks about Harry Potter being reviewed the Friends of Beaufort County Library’s popular review series, “Books Sandwiched In“.
Jan 28, 2001
The Modesto Bee has an article about the magic of words in the Harry Potter book series.
Jan 28, 2001
French University lecturer Pierre Bruno calls Harry Potter “sexist neo-conservative meritocrat who perpetuates a ‘degrading image of women’.”
Jan 28, 2001
An interesting note from the Boston Globe about John Williams composing the Harry Potter score.
Jan 27, 2001
The Harry Potter Movie site apparently has the names of the boys cast as the Weasley twins Fred and George – Oliver and James Phelps as well as a correction to the actor playing Percy Weasley, Chris Rankin (not Rattling).