Apr 30, 2003
Hi all, we’ve got some news from Nimbus: The deadline for fandom sponsorship has been extended through June 15. Ari Rapkin of Industrial Light and Magic has been announced as July 19’s featured luncheon speaker. Rapkin’s resume includes such movies as Jurassic Park III, Star Wars: Epsiode II and, of course, Harry Potter; her speech …read more!
Apr 30, 2003
Thanks Donna and Carrie for this link to a CNN piece comparing the burning of HP books to the burning of books that took place under Nazi rule.
Apr 29, 2003
And The New York Times‘ Science section highlights dragons in an article that notes how scholars drawing on primitive art, fossilized bones and ancient legends are struggling to explain how cultures that had no contact with one another constructed mythical creatures so remarkably similar. And in an interesting bit of synergy with the Harry Potter …read more!
Apr 29, 2003
Thanks to everyone who let us know about a new game from Electronic Arts entitled “Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup.” More information is available in this press release from Hoover’s Online.
Apr 28, 2003
Thanks to iHarryPotter.net, you can see scans of the Book Magazine article in its entirety, and I can stop feeling guilty about it lying about the house unscanned. 🙂 It should be noted that while there’s no new information about canon in the article, it’s a very nice summation of everything that’s been said by …read more!
Apr 28, 2003
Jason Isaacs, who’s playing the dual role of Mr Darling and Captain Hook in the upcoming PJ Hogan production, speaks a bit about films, childhood, and the unctuousness of Lucius Malfoy here. No snake-headed canes in sight, unfortunately.
Apr 28, 2003
Reader Emily sent us this article from The Electronic Herald [UK] on how souvenir hunters have spirited away some of the prop polystyrene pumpkins and plaster rocks from the Harry Potter film set.
Apr 27, 2003
Thank you to everyone who sent us the link to this article from CNN, which reports that J. K. Rowling has passed Queen Elizabeth on Britain’s “rich list,” published annually by the Sunday Times [UK].
Apr 25, 2003
Thanks to Hanna for pointing us to the new screen saver (for PCs now, MAC version forthcoming) which features all five book covers. Share and enjoy!
Apr 24, 2003
The Guardian has an article today stating that Harry Potter is rescuing England’s ailing tourist industry “from the demons of foot and mouth” disease. Thanks, Emily, for the link!