Jul 31, 2004
In addition to our Book Six (RSS, LJ), Goblet of Fire film (RSS, LJ) and Order of the Phoenix film (RSS, LJ) news feeds, we bring you five more: the HP Cast feed(RSS, LJ), the Daniel Radcliffe feed (RSS, LJ), the Rupert Grint feed (RSS, LJ), the Emma Watson feed (RSS, LJ) and the Tom …read more!
Jul 31, 2004
Thanks so much to Jenna of danradcliffe.com and the 300 other people who helped sell out the POAIMAXFTL show this afternoon at the Museum of Discovery & Science in Ft Lauderdale. This is a long post, so read more (including the day’s trivia questions) by clicking below! There were dozens of people there who’d heard …read more!
Jul 31, 2004
Check out JKR’s newest Wizard of the Month.
Jul 30, 2004
As noted on JKRowling.com, today (July 31 in the UK) is Harry’s – and J.K. Rowling’s – birthday. A wonderful, magic-filled birthday to you both. The wonderfully artistic Marta has sent us a little glimpse into what’s going on in Edinburgh right about now on this special day. Click for a larger version.
Jul 30, 2004
Update – I’ve fixed the link to the Leaky Book Six News LiveJournal Feed now – sorry about that. We’ve been meaning to do this for a while and haven’t had the time, but found some between 4:30 and 4:31 a.m. You can now customize your news-gathering from Leaky. Look at the drop-down menus on …read more!
Jul 30, 2004
J.K. Rowling has been listed at #50 on TheOneRing.net’s Top 50 People in Tolkien History List, compiled in honor of the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. She is cited thusly: 50) JK Rowling – I know, some may balk this. But I personally feel she …read more!
Jul 30, 2004
A few weeks ago we reported that Jo Rowling had donated a set of signed Harry Potter books to support fund-raising efforts on behalf of both the Fire Services National Benevolent Fund, an organization that provides therapy and support to injured fire fighters and their families, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Scotland, a charity …read more!
Jul 29, 2004
J.K.R. has updated her site to wish Neville Longbottom a Happy Birthday! His birthday is officially July 30. You can see this on her site where it normally says “Wizard of the Month.” Thanks to everyone who sent this in! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEVILLE!
Jul 29, 2004
JKRowling.com reportedly has had 220 Million visits from readers since the website launched. According to this article,” when Rowling used the site to reveal the title of the sixth book in the series, “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”, it received a peak of 600 “hits” per second, with 16 million in a 12-hour …read more!
Jul 29, 2004
Now we’re getting very strong word from our own sources (in the plural) that the rumors may be true, that Ralph Fiennes (headshot) is thisclose to taking on Voldemort. We’re hesitant to say it’s a done deal, but consider this rumor far more likely to pan out than not. Fiennes is a very well known, …read more!