Dec 31, 2005
All right, everyone. It’s gonna be a long one, but we put so much work into this that we’re putting it all on the front page anyway. It’s been an extraordinary year, and so this last post of 2005 will have an extraordinary wrapup. I personally cannot believe how much has happened in 12 short …read more!
Dec 31, 2005
This is an embarassment of riches; so many wonderful, insane things have happened this year that if I had a Top 100 list, I’d fill it up. All of these are at the very very tip-top of what has been one of the most memorable and best years of my life, but still, here is …read more!
Dec 31, 2005
10. First Goblet “shot by shot”; Kind of reminded me of the last time we stayed up until 7 a.m. working on the POA shot by shot… Of course this was in the days before the PotterCast all-nighters. 9. “Where’s John?” Oh, the fun you all had the day I went ‘missing’. The funniest part …read more!
Dec 31, 2005
PotterCast and MuggleCast team up again for the last LeakyMug of 2005! Attention Listeners: If you’re not doing anything for New Year’s Eve, turn this show on at exactly 11:12 p.m. your time, and we’ll ring in the year with you! In this show: -Sue joins the crew -Ben chickens out, while Melissa swears revenge …read more!
Dec 31, 2005
2005 was a difficult year for many. We saw unparalleled global disasters; a suffering, sadness, and life altering events with such scope and scale that our world was forever changed. There were political, ecconomical, social ,and a host of other problems that made this year a hard one to get through. As sobering and important …read more!
Dec 31, 2005
Editor’s Note: This year some of your TLC staff will share with you their favorite moments of 2005; Julie’s is first, with Sue’s, John’s and Melissa’s coming later. Enjoy! 10. Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort. Chillingly human enough to make LV even scarier than I’d imagined him. 9. Neville’s waltz. Wonderful, just wonderful. 8. HBP Release …read more!
Dec 31, 2005
…some 79 years ago, a boy named Tom Marvolo Riddle was born. This year we learned in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince more about the cirmcumstances of the birth of the boy who would become known as Lord Voldemort. While we at Leaky do not wish him particular happiness this day, for he has …read more!
Dec 30, 2005
Actors Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) and Imelda Staunton (widely rumored to be cast as Dolores Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix) will be made Officers of the prestigious Order of the British Empire, the order of chivalry of British democracy. This honor, conferred in the New Year’s Honors List, acknowledges distinguished service to the arts and …read more!
Dec 30, 2005
Many of you have asked how to donate to “Get a Clue,” our annual charity drive benfitting Book Aid International, without buying a shirt; please do so using this button, which will go on top of our page for a week. Thank you!
Dec 30, 2005 has ranked the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire soundtrack as one of their top ten of the year. Of this score by composer Patrick Doyle, they note: “Williams is out, but Doyle is in – and while it’s much different than the first three Harry Potter score, his score works wonderfully when …read more!