Jul 31, 2007
Today we celebrate the birthdays of two of our favorite fictional and non-fictional people: Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling. If we tried to explain how much they’ve meant to us all here this year, we’d fail. So, as has been tradition here on Leaky, we bring some celebratory artwork instead. This year our dear talented …read more!
Jul 30, 2007
If you thought there was enough new information today given the J.K. Rowling online chat, oho not so as there is even more online as MSNBC has now posted yet another article containing more new facts about the final Harry Potter book from our favorite author. In this article, which contains question submitted by viewers …read more!
Jul 30, 2007
J.K. Rowling has just answered a whole onslaught of post-DH question in a Web chat on Bloomsbury.com. We have reordered the questions so that it reads top-down; answers are here about the characters’ future lives, the state of the wizarding world, the other two title potentials for Deathly Hallows, and much, much, more. More than …read more!
Jul 30, 2007
As mentioned below, “Dateline NBC” broadcast a lengthy new interview with author J.K. Rowling. Segments of this interview were broadcast earlier this week; now online is the transcript from the entire interview. Please note this interview contains many many spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, however if you wish to read this fascinating …read more!
Jul 30, 2007
With further new excerpts from her “Today Show” interview, there is a new and very SPOILER filled article now online where J.K. Rowling goes into detail about the deaths of certain characters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. While this is a fascinating piece where our favorite author gives new insight and her reasoning …read more!
Jul 29, 2007
Birthday cheers go out to Neville Longbottom today, as the calendar on JKRowling.com has changed with declaration of this celebration. Happy Birthday Neville! Cheers!
Jul 29, 2007
Along with the two part interview NBC‘s Today Show conducted with Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling late last week, video of which can be seen here and here in our video galleries, Dateline NBC will air a recap of this interview during tonights program. In the interview, Jo reads from Harry Potter and the …read more!
Jul 29, 2007
Thanks to Nickelodeon for letting us know about a few pieces of news involving Nick and Harry Potter. First, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been nominated at the first UK Kid’s Choice Awards in the Best Book category. The final book in the Harry Potter series is nominated along with Blood Beast (The …read more!
Jul 29, 2007
Rotten Tomatoes UK recently caught up with Prisoner of Azkaban director Alfonso Cuaron and spoke to him about his feelings on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and asked the director if he had any interest in returning to direct the film of the last Harry Potter book. Saying he has just begun reading “Deathly …read more!
Jul 29, 2007
Harry Potter Countdown Clocks Count down to the release of the sixth film on your Web page, blog, MySpace, and more! Get this and other HP countdowns at LeakyNews.com