Dec 31, 2008
It’s that time once again to take a walk down memory lane with the PotterCasters, as they reminisce about 2008 and all that this past year had to offer. The 179th episode of PotterCast, our Harry Potter podcast, beings with a look back at some of the biggest and favorite news stories of 2008, including …read more!
Dec 31, 2008
As the 2009 approaches, our Contest Crew has put together the first contest for the new year, which asks you to answer one of the unanswered questions left at the end of the Harry Potter series. The Story that Answers a Question Contest, will have you write a 750 word story which gives a plausible …read more!
Dec 30, 2008
Thanks to WB for sending over these glorious high res photos from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as seen in CineLive magazine. Note the new photo of the Trio with Snape and McGonagall as they examine the poisoned opal necklace. Enjoy! Snape, McGonagall and opal necklaceGinny Weasley Dumbledore, Harry by the seaWeasley is our …read more!
Dec 30, 2008
Our third and final Year in Review, this focuses on the Harry Potter novels by author J.K. Rowling. Thanks to Edward for his help and contributions to this final article. JANUARY The month began as we saw Scholastic, the US publishers of the Harry Potter novels, continue their efforts in environmentally responsible publishing. Author J.K. …read more!
Dec 30, 2008
« Back to Contests Story-that-Answers-a-Question Contest Harry’s story is now complete. We have answers to many of the questions we’ve debated over the years. Yes, Harry was a Horcrux (sort of). Snape really was loyal to Dumbledore. Pettigrew did repay Harry for sparing his life. Harry married Ginny, and Ron married Hermione. There are still …read more!
Dec 30, 2008 has released a new, and very lengthy interview with actor Jason Isaacs. In this very indepth piece, Jason confirms again that he has a very small cameo as Lucius Malfoy in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (“a moving painting for a frame”). In this wide ranging, frank and often very engaging …read more!
Dec 30, 2008 has a new article online, detailing the concern Hollywood has over declining movie attendance and ticket sales. The piece notes that many are looking toward Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and other sequels to turn the tide in 2009. Quotage: Hollywood’s fortunes may improve next year with the return of proven franchises, including …read more!
Dec 30, 2008
Time for the second year in review report, this focusing on events and moments for us here at Leaky and the Harry Potter fandom. JANUARY A new year brought a new poll on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter website, and reports claimed a December 2009 opening is possible. The Ace of Cakes met PotterCast …read more!
Dec 29, 2008
It’s the end of the year, and it time for our annual comprehensive year in review news posts. First up, the Movies. Quite the banner year for Harry Potter films that was, or…almost was. JANUARY As fans began the year anticipating the November release of the sixth Harry Potter film, rumors began to swirl over …read more!