Dec 31, 2009
It was quite the year for Harry Potter. Two years following the release of the final book of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, fans continued to express their creativity for the boy who lived in nearly every medium. Film wise, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” appeared in theaters across the world, …read more!
Dec 31, 2009
Have you read that one book? For many of you who know what I’m talking about, you know what I mean, for others, you might be confused. Remember that one book? That “one book” that makes sense, that helped you connect with the world, the one that you could not stop talking or thinking about. …read more!
Dec 31, 2009
With 2010 nearly upon us, Empire Magazine has looked back at the past decade and listed a number of the biggest film related happenings in their Review of the Decade. The Harry Potter series made the list in a number of different categories. First, box office receipts are totaled for the profiled on the “10 …read more!
Dec 31, 2009
size=”3″>As you read this message, I’m probably sitting on a beach in Riviera Maya, Mexico, sipping a fruity drink with an umbrella in it, and applying copious amounts of sunscreen so I don’t look like an overcooked lobster when I come back to freezing Canada temperatures. I know, I know, you would sssooo cry for …read more!
Dec 31, 2009
A quick reminder this morning that there are only a few more hours left to vote for the 2009 Leakies, our first annual award ceremony where we can wrap up the year together by voting on your favorites actors, news, moments, and more from the year. Voting will remain open until 11:59 pm EST tonight. …read more!
Dec 31, 2009
Actress Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) has been included on’s list of the 100 Best Dresses of the Decade. Thanks to InStyle for letting us know Miss Watson’s Burberry Prorsum dress from London’s Fashion Week 2009 made the 100th spot on their ranking. The magazine notes: Emma Watson in Burberry Prorsum, 2009 WHERE London Fashion …read more!
Dec 31, 2009
Closing out Leaky’s 2009 Year in Review is the third part of our look back at the year in Harry Potter news. Parts One and Two are online below. Enjoy!~*~*~September The long rumored Scottish Book project by J. K. Rowling was back in the news this month, thanks to an interview from Ian Rankin who …read more!
Dec 30, 2009
Here now is Part Two of Leaky’s 2009 Year in Review of Harry Potter news! Part One is posted below. Enjoy!~*~*~ May After years of planning, the time had come for LeakyCon 2009, our very first Harry Potter fan conference. In the lead up to the event, two LeakyCon songs and our official schedule were …read more!
Dec 30, 2009
Last October, our Crafty Witches and Wizards brought you their Hallowe’en/Deathday Party contest, which asked you to show them party favours, party decorations or party foods geared towards Deathday or Hallowe’en parties and related to the Harry Potterverse. The contest ended in November and voting was opened to decide a winner. Run-off votes resulted in …read more!
Dec 30, 2009
A press release from Canadian book retailer Indigo Books & Music Inc. has ranked Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as the top book of the decade in their newly released Young Adult Fiction list. The list was put together by a “dedicated team of Indigo book buyers,” with the titles chosen based on their …read more!