Final Product

House Crest <i>Chucks</i>


Chucks in the color of your choice.
At least 6 of the house crest stencil of your choice.
Acrylic paints in your chosen house colors.
Stencil brush
Craft knife
Fine-point black permanent marker


Print out at least six of the house crest of your choice. A number of different crests can be found on this beading page.
Using a craft knife, cut out two of the squares of the crest that are diagonal from one another and tape onto the outside ankle of your shoe.
Using a stencil brush, gently dab on the paint.
Figure A
Allow to dry for a bit, then carefully peel off.
Once the paint is completely dry, repeat this process with a second house crest print-out , using the remaining squares.
Figure B
After all of the crest paint is dry, cut out the mascot from the third stencil, center it over the painted crest, and secure with tape.
Gently dab on paint using a stencil brush.
Allow to dry a little, then carefully peel off.
Figure C

Once all of the paint has dried, you can use your craft knife to carefully carve some details into the paint.
Then, trace the borders with a fine-point black permanent marker for contrast.
You now have a pair of House Crest Chucks to wear and enjoy!


© Hewtab. Tutorial taken with permission from Hewtab's Journal.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.