A reader emailed us this

Apr 17, 2001

Posted by: bkdelongTLC


A reader emailed us this fantastic bit of trivia:

I noticed on the site today re: the new Premiere shots of the HP film that you said Prof. Flitwick’s class was filmed at Harrow School. I had to the questionable pleasure of going to Harrow School and thought you may be interested in some further details of the location.

The room itself is instantly recognisable as ‘The Fourth Form Room’ – a preserved bit of the school dating back eons. It is situated in the Old Schools pictured here. The room itself is the left hand main window here.

Flitwick's class was filmed in the room where the left-hand window is

The room itself is one of the older surviving classrooms at the school and every year when the new boys arrive, much like the HP Sorting ritual, the Headmaster gives a speech to all the new boys welcoming them to the school.

You’ll see if you look closely lots of carvings along the walls and desks. It was tradition that the boys engrave their names somewhere in the old schools and somewhere in that room I think you can find the carvings of Winston Churchill, Lord Byron and others.

Here’s a picture of the interior of that classroom:

An interior of the Fourth Form Room of the Harrow School - where Professor Flitwick's Charms Class is Filmed

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.