The 2nd Trailer is Out!

Jun 26, 2001

Posted by: John Admin


The 2nd Trailer is Out! — Using AOL, go to Keyword: Harry Potter, and click on “Entertainment: Harry Potter movie” and voila! the new trailer, available for viewing! MadameAnonyme sent us the following description:

It’s pretty amazing! It opens with Hagrid’s voice asking, “You ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn’t explain?” Then: “You’re a wizard, Harry.” Next are shots of: the boats heading towards Hogwarts; Professor McGonagall instructing the first years; views of the moving staircases in the castle; the flying lesson (with Neville taking off unexpectedly); Harry showing Ron his scar on the train (“Wicked!”); Snape (“Mr Potter, our new celebrity”); Dumbledore’s speech at the start of the term; the snitch; Hermione (“Petrificus Totalus!”); the library; Quirrell; Fluffy; Ollivander; Harry and Draco and the scene with the Remembrall; and much more!

There’s just FAR too much going on to list, with many more effects shots, new music, and dialogue. It’s wonderful!! I just wish my Real Player screen wasn’t so tiny, as I really can’t see too much detail. I don’t know why the folks at AOL put it up early (wasn’t it supposed to be available Wednesday?), but I’m not complaining!

We’ll have to wait for a hi-resolution Quicktime-version of the trailer, to make a new stills gallery. Expect it to be on HP Galleries by the weekend.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.