Interesting note from a reader

Jun 27, 2001

Posted by: bkdelongTLC


Interesting note from a reader about Richard Bremmer and Lord Voldemort:

I have been in contact with Mr. Bremmer’s photographer/friend Alex Brattell. According to Alex, a great deal of Richard’s phenomenal work on the film ended up on the cutting room floor. Seems he was “too scary”. What a shame. Firstly, because that means a lot of the Voldemort story itself has been cut and secondly it means less screen time for an incredible actor. Losses all around.

I also cannot state for fact, but it is rumored that Mr. Bremmer has been signed for sequels as well. I’m crossing my fingers!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.