HP 2 AND 3 in
Jun 30, 2001
HP 2 AND 3 in 2002?
Reliable sources at Britain’s Pinewood Studios tell us that Harry Potter 2 has been booked for a whole year’s shoot on Pinewoods famous “007-Stage”. Shooting in Pinewood should start in October 2001! The “007-Stage”, named because many films in the James Bond series were shot there, is Europe’s largest stage. Recently, “Tomb Raider” feat. Angelina Jolie has been produced there, and currently they are shooting “Below”, and underwater ghost story set aboard a submarine, on the 007-Stage. To get an idea of the enormous size of the “007” – for “Below”, they’ve built a full length sub – and that only takes up about a fifth of the size. Thanks to Tom for the info!
Now to the most interesting thing about all this: the timeframe and the dimensions suggest not just to us, that not just the second but also the third movie in the Harry Potter series will be done back to back. Two movies in a row, similar maybe to the “Lord of the Rings Trilogy”!
This speculation is supported by two more facts: First, the young actors will be growing quickly, it’s a race against time! And secondly, more and more casting snippets about the third movie “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” are dropping in already. See our Actors Gallery for details. We do now believe that the second and the third movie will be done by the end of 2002!