OK, Dark Horizons had today’s

Nov 19, 2001

Posted by: Melissa Anelli


OK, Dark Horizons had today’s news up and now it’s gone, so I don’t have the links, but here is what they had to say:

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets: The BBC has just done a special report on the second “Harry Potter” film which has been shooting small segments over the last few weeks with the major body of filming kicking off from today. Director Chris Columbus confirmed the flying car sequence was done, as has “a little bit of the spider sequence. But not enough to merit releasing the film – it would probably only be about two minutes long”. Actor Daniel Radcliffe also says that part of the second film’s first Quidditch match has been shot (where Slytherin have the better brooms). For the full article which includes video – click here. Thanks to The Usher.

Please mail us if you have the links to these BBC stories. thanks.

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