And from the Why? Why?

Jun 19, 2002

Posted by: John Admin


And from the Why? Why? Why? department here at TLC…
The New York Times reports that next month, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone “will achieve that mark of a true classic: the publishers of SparkNotes, a CliffsNotes knockoff, will publish a study guide – also known as a cheat sheet – to the tale of the little boy with the lightning-bolt scar.”
Um. If nine year olds can read it with joy – if my three year old can enjoy listening to me read it to him, and follow the plot – why are cheat sheets necessary?
The article states that “the guides are now being produced for people who want to brush up before their book club, keep up in conversations with colleagues or at cocktail parties, or read the book – at least, some version of it – before they see the movie.” This TLC reporter’s recommendation for those who don’t have time to read the books – and aren’t willing to make the time – at least get the Book on Tape versions.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.