Halloween Special Treat: Door Opens on JKRowling.com
Oct 31, 2004
J.K.Rowling.com has a very special treat for us this Halloween. The door to her office is open, and contains..well..we dont want to ruin your surprise, but it is a good one. Hint! There is a trick to get the door open for that treat..Have fun!
Ps. For those who cant wait, read below for more details..Spoilers Below!
Treat! The door is open, and contains the names of 3 chapters from
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
But Wait! There’s a trick to getting that door open-it involves Peeves and a flying key..Patience is required as it takes a few minutes for Peeves to show up as you are waiting outside the door. Just like in the chamber of winged keys, choosing the right one is…key…:)(click and drag to keyhole on door) Then tada! Open the door, and approach the desk. Open the drawer on the left side to find a magnifying glass. Use it on the brown folder. You will have to solve a riddle. After you do, at the top of the brown folder, pull up on the three pages showing to reveal chapter numbers and titles.. Have fun!