Tom Felton News

Apr 22, 2005
Actor Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) has updated his site to say that he will be attending Collectormania on April 30th. He will be available for autographs (fee involved), and notes that he can only sign photos and posters bought at the show. Collectormania runs Friday April 29th through Monday, May 2nd in Milton Keyes, England. Tom also writes that he was recently here in the states on holiday, but had a bit of a surprise while in Florida.
We went to play golf and when we got back to the car, someone joked that there was an alligator behind me in the car park and I thought they were messing about but when I looked there it was! I wasn’t sure it was real but when I said that to my brother Chris, the gator’s head moved and Chris said ‘Trust me bruv, it’s real’. I’ve seen how fast they can move but luckily he wasn’t hungry!!
Thanks Pilar and Caz!