PotterCast 74 Now Live
Jan 29, 2007
(Looking for the pics of Dan in Equus? Right here . Meanwhile…)
Our 74th PotterCast, our Harry Potter podcast is up. To listen, just hit the “Play” button on the right side of the page (—>), or use
iTunes, or direct download. Also:
-This week’s canon conundrums: What are Snape’s Boggart and Patronus?
-Interview with author Fergus McGhee
-Valentine’s day is coming: Send filks, one-minute readings from romantic or romantic-funny fanfic, a valentine to a character, or a love story from your own life relating to Harry Potter
-It’s the last week of “They’re called thestrals.” Coming up…your choice!
-Why lie about reading Harry Potter?
-A penguin patronus
-Snape’s worst memory
-A boggart’s boggart
-Don’t forget to Digg and vote for us on Podcast Alley
Direct download (34MB).
Direct download low-bandwidth (7MB).
Remember you don’t need an iPod to listen. Listen easily on iTunes, which you can download and install here, by clicking here to listen, or you can just use the streaming Flash player at PotterCast.com or just on the right side of this page. Discussion of the PotterCast is right here. Enjoy!