Deathly Hallows Cover Art and Summaries Released! Brit Page Count Confirmed!
Mar 28, 2007
Update: We’ve updated our PotterCast, our Harry Potter podcast with a cover release show (called “Cover Art, or, Whose Soul Is It Anyway?”), going over all the new theories. Click here for details or just update your iTunes or press play on a Flash player!
Here it is, in gorgeous hi-res, the cover art for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This post will continue to be updated with links to the art and the text of the summaries. Bloomsbury has also confirmed that the book is 608 pages in their edition. (Digg this news!)
Click here to see the reveal on The Today Show, including Arthur Levine talking about how he “sobbed” at the end.
We’ve also got new PotterCast artwork on, to celebrate.
Hi-Res images! Click here for all the artwork!
Individual images:
US: Front and Back
US: Front Only
UK: Front and Back
UK Adult: Front and Back
UK: Front Only
UK Adult: Front Only
Scholastic has put up a interactive image here!
The UK editions have summaries; the inside flap reads:
“Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemortâs remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety , and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for himâ¦
In this final, seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectactular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding, richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again.”
And on the back of the adult edition:
“Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing â” if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with?”
Arthur Levine, editor of the American editions of the Harry Potter books, was on The Today Show briefly this morning to discuss the cover. He said that this art is, for the first time, a wrap-around cover, and has more art on it than ever before. He also said DH is a “very emotional” book, and that he didn’t just cry but “sobbed” when he read it. This is also the first time Voldemort has been on the jacket.
Discuss away in the comments or here in the DH section of Leaky Lounge! Our Corner Booth Text Chat will also open at 11 a.m. for discussion!
A lot more on the way!