Happily Ever After…Eventually

Oct 22, 2008

Posted by: John Admin


face=”Tahoma”>So, I’ve told you how I became a Harry Potter fan. Now I’ll tell you some of the reasons why I fell in love with Harry.

face=”Tahoma”>I’ve always been a fan of fantasy as apposed to real-life stories. I’ve been stuck in that fantasy land that was real to me as a child, and refuse to come out of it. I have a friend who likes non-fantasy novels and true stories, but isn’t into fantasy. When I asked her why she didn’t like any fantasy she said, “So many interesting things happen in real life, why would you need to make things up, or have a fantasy world?” To which I replied with, “Real life doesn’t always have a happy ending. These stories do.”

face=”Tahoma”>I had gone through my own un-happy ending myself the year before I started reading Harry Potter (Which I will talk about in a later post). I really liked the fact that, although I thought Harry got a happy ending, his life wasn’t always happy. He grew up unhappy, and his road was hard. He made mistakes along the way, and they didn’t just disappear, he had to deal with them and fix them the best he could. He lost many that were dear to him, and I think he came out from those losses a stronger and better person. It helped me to realize that, even if I was going through a rough time, I could eventually get my happy ending. Not to say that there won’t be trials, mistakes, and losses.

face=”Tahoma”>It was easy for me to want to retreat into this wonderful world that J.K. Rowling created. When life got too difficult, or too hard. But, rereading the books again reminded me that even with a wizarding world, the real world still exists around it. Just like I can have Harry in my head and heart, but the real world still exists around me.

face=”Tahoma”>So many of the quotes from the book stick with me, and I actually thought once about copying Evanna Lynch and scrawling the quotes across my wall. There is a wealth of intelligence and wisdom in those wonderfully penned lines by Mrs. J.K. Rowling. I plan on making my guest room Harry Potter themed, so maybe then I’ll put a few quotes on the wall. Until then, I have them in the books, and in my heart, and that’s more than good enough for me.

face=”Tahoma”>I would like to end every post with one of Mrs. Rowling lines, the ones I love the most.

face=”Tahoma”>” It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.”

face=”Tahoma”>Spoken by Dumbledore in chapter 12 of Sorcerer’s Stone.

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The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.