New from Tonner: Lucius Malfoy Figure, Plus Contest to Win Free Doll

May 24, 2009
Tonner Dolls will be making a Lucius Malfoy doll this year. Doll Reader magazine has a new article online with the makers of the high end collectible dolls, and the article notes:
While the book series has drawn to a close and the movies are
reaching their final installments, Robert is nowhere near done with the
Potter dolls. The company just introduced its versions of Professor Dumbledore, Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, and Professor Snape. Says Robert enthusiastically, “We’re currently working on Lucius Malfoy, and I’d certainly like to make all of the Weasleys at some point!”
There is no release date yet for the doll, which will be based on actor Jason Isaacs, who memorably portrays Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series.
Also, the same article states that as part of the build up to the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince film in July, they are holding a contest to win one of the Harry Potter Dolls from Tonner. Contest is as follows:
To celebrate the opening of the newest Harry Potter movie, “Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” Doll Reader and Tonner Doll Co. are
giving away a Harry Potter prize package: one doll from the Harry
Potter series, a $25 movie gift card, and a box of microwave popcorn.
To enter, write your name, address, phone number, and
e-mail address on a postcard and mail it to: Doll Reader Harry Potter
Contest, PO Box 10545, Lancaster PA 17605-0545. Entries must be
received no later than July 1, 2009. One entry per household. The
winner will be drawn immediately and notified via telephone or mail.
U.S. residents only. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries
Thanks Anita!