Emma Watson As Hermione in Deathly Hallows: Six Takes to Snog Ron Weasley

Jun 28, 2009

Posted by: SueTLC

Watson Interviews

Attention Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger Shippers: We have news on
THE KISS, the filming on the long awaiting snog between the two
characters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. In a new and
lengthy profile with the Times, Emma discusses this long
awaited moment and confirms again the scene has been filmed.

“The Kiss’ says Watson, looking sardonic. “I expect I’ll have to
talk a lot about The Kiss. We did it two weeks ago. Four takes one way, and
two takes with the camera in the other direction. Six takes altogether.”

The conversation also includes some thoughts from the actress on
director David Yates, who she credits helping her fine tune the
character of Hermione. Quotage: “Watson’s director for the final three
films is David Yates, whom she says brought more shade and subtlety to
Hermione. “David taught me that the only thing that matters is the
truth. His version is the truest, purest form of Hermione, the most
real.” Watson says she is more emotionally mature than Hermione, and
sometimes it shows on the screen and she needs a retake.

Earlier this month readers will recall we saw photos from a location
shoot for DH that showed Emma in costume as Hermione Polyjuiced to look
like Bellatrix Lestrange, who is played in the Potter films by award winning actress Helena Bonham

Recently, Watson went round to Bonham
Carter’s house to talk through a scene where her character, Bellatrix,
becomes Hermione after taking polyjuice. Bonham Carter wanted to know
everything about Hermione, to get the role right, and as Watson admits, “I
am a Harry Potter lexicon.” She also found Bonham Carter’s advice incredibly
useful. Both actresses started young and are not traditionally trained. “I
don’t come, like Dan [Radcliffe], from a very actorly family, so I was Bambi
in the headlights ’ I never had anyone to guide me’ explains Watson. “I
hadn’t been to Lamda or Rada, and I had a chip on my shoulder about it. But
Helena said I don’t need to get trained: she taught herself, read Chekhov,
books, theories, and she prepares herself so deeply for every role ’ the
more you know about a person, the more you move intuitively.”

Watson sighs. “I admire her so much, she is so confident in herself, so
happy. When she appears on the ˜worst-dressed’ list in
she says, ˜Who cares?’ She is comfortable with who she is. She probably has
no idea how important those two or three hours with her were to me.” Watson
is all emotional. You want to hug her, except she’s far too English and
proper for that.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.