Entertainment Weekly Preview of One Day in the Life of Daniel Radcliffe Book

Nov 28, 2009
Two new photos of actor Dan Radcliffe (Harry Potter) from the upcoming book by photographer One Day in the Life of Daniel Radcliffe, is featured in the December 4th issue of Entertainment Weekly. A scan of this magazine piece is now available online care of our Order Partners DanRadcliffe.com, available to view via this link. A short article appears along with the two new images, and briefly quotes photographer Tim Hailand regarding the private nature of some of the images. Noting that the photography for this book took place during Mr. Radcliffe’s Broadway leg of Equus, he says: “He was naked on stage, so photographing him in the shower- wasn’t a problem for him.”
As reported previously, One Day In the Life of Daniel Radcliffe is slated for a December 2009 release, with portion of all book sales to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Pre-orders are also now being accepted for this book via this link.
Thanks to DR.com!