
Apr 17, 2011

Posted by: John Admin

DH Film

Warner Bros. recently gave Leaky the opportunity to
attend a webinar about the Blu Ray Combo Pack DVD release in which Paul
Hemstreet, Vice President of Special Features at Warner Home Video,
spoke about his experience overseeing the enhanced content for all of
the Harry Potter DVD releases over the past ten years. Mr. Hemstreet
said, “as Harry Potter aged in the stories and in the franchise, the
fans grew [with him] and there became a new willingness and openness to
learn how things were put together.”

The creative producer noted
that by “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, the enhanced
content involved more in depth conversations, “when we actually got an
interview with Alfonso Cuarón and J.K. Rowling and that has evolved to
the point where for “Deathly Hallows” we had a team in place at
Leavesden Studios; [there was a crew on set every day] who could be
called at a moment’s notice.”

Mr. Hemstreet continued:

in constant discussion with the producers and the directors, we really
have to be low-key. Over time we gain great trust with the filmmakers,
and the people we had on set became part of the crew. Some of the
shooters became good friends with the actors, to the point that Dan
[Radcliffe] and Emma [Watson] and the Phelps twins, all of the actors,
became comfortable enough to walk over to the cameras [from the special
features team]. They really wanted to share things and have fun.”

to webinar host Matthew Snodgrass, Hemstreet also talked at length
about Magical Movie Mode, which he describes as “an immersive
experience” where you can select special features as you watch the film.

Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) hosts Magical Movie Move, and Hemstreet said that the selection of the cast involved in this feature was all down to scheduling, as sometimes actors won’t be free for stretches of four months at a time: “we cast the net wide and hope for the best ¦
generally we try to do it in set days in London and we have shoots coming
up for [Deathly Hallows: Part 2] for Magical Movie Mode.”

Mr. Hemstreet spoke further about the production process for Magical Movie Mode:

“We have to have a cut of the film whereas some of the other [special
features not involved with Magical Movie Mode] we can get working
in advance. To finish and deliver we have to have the final colour
corrected masters. We are under the gun to get that done as soon as the
film comes in, it’s very technical.”

Hemstreet confirmed that there are no deleted scenes featuring Neville on this DVD “but [Matt Lewis] is certainly in some interviews and will feature in special features for “Deathly Hallows: Part 2″”

How did the extras for 7a fit into overall of the films?
“because we’re working on many harry potter project (inc Ultimate Editions – which are more thematic, these do have themes reaching across the films) these features focus squarely on this films but does explain how things relate and get up to this point, e.g. horcruxes, enrich the experience. ultimate eds for 7a and 7b more thematic”

How did they choose deleted scenes?
“worked really closely with Yates and Heyman, never quite know until far along in the cuts but we know pretty early on after the cut on what is possible. is it finished enough to include? do we need to mix effects etc.? it really depends on what the directors feel comfortable on what to put on or not and then we make all the arrangements.

Sneak peak on the DVD “actually a scene from part 2, one of the beginning scenes of the film which will be on the blu ray combo¦ it’s been hard to get that lined up and we’re pleased to have it’ “timing is usually against us”

Many thanks to WB for inviting Leaky to take part in the webinar!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.