Maggie Smith and Michael Gambon in “Quartet”

Oct 29, 2012
Oscar award winner Dustin Hoffman is turning over a new leaf and transitioning from acting to directing. In his directional debut, he has snagged Harry Potter actors Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall) and Michael Gambon (Professor Dumbledore). Quartet, which is set to release December 28, is a story of retired opera singers living in a retirement community together. According to, drama begins when a singer’s ex-wife returns and refuses to perform for a traditional concert put on every year for members’ birthdays. Maggie Smith plays the troublesome ex-wife. Yahoo! Movies posted another clip along with the trailer. Both can be seen here or below. The Celebrity Cafe posted a trailer, and reported:
Academy Award winning actor Dustin Hoffman is graduating to directing with a new film Quartet, which stars a couple of Harry Potter alums and a few other great British actors. Yahoo! Movies released the trailer this weekend for the film that will just sneak into the Oscar race if it proves to be that type of film.