Warwick Davis App
Oct 29, 2012
Warwick Davis (Professor Flitwick and Griphook) has released a new mobile game app. Pocket Warwick was released today and is free to download. In the game, players will guide Warwick to stardom by completing different tasks. As of now, the launched app contains 150 film auditions and 100 other tasks for players to have the animated Warwick complete. The more tasks Pocket Warwick completes, the more successful auditions he achieves, the more points players will earn (and the more Pocket Warwick will become “famous”). Peterborough Telegraph reports:
Warwick says he came up with the idea for the app as a way of bringing together his passion for acting and technology and says it has allowed his creativity to flourish in a different world to the film and TV industries.
He said: “We’ve worked hard to make sure people get a laugh while playing something enjoyable. Creating the auditions was one of my favourite parts – titles that Pocket Warwick will audition for include Small Runnings, Shortfellas and The Half-Monty – I only wish these were real movies.”
His hope for the app, he said, was merely for it to be enjoyed.
He said: “I’m really, really excited about it.”
He added: “I have had a go at the big screen and the small screen and now I’m going to have a go at the touchscreen.”
The app, which is produced by Official and developed by Matmi, is available for all Apple compatible devices.
It will be coming to Android devices in the coming weeks.
Fans can also visit www.pocketwarwick.com for more information!