Daniel Radcliffe Performs at the Oscars (UPDATED)

Feb 25, 2013
Daniel Radcliffe performed a song and dance with Joseph Gordon Levitt and Seth MacFarlane during the Oscar introduction ceremony. He also presented an award to Lincoln with Kristen Stewart. Movie clips from YouTube can be seen below. There are many clips of Daniel Radcliffe’s red carpet interviews that will be posted soon!
UPDATE: E! Online had the chance to catch up with Daniel Radcliffe back stage, reporting:
On presenting with Kristen Stewart:
“I felt so bad,” Radcliffe said at the Governors Ball. “I just wanted to pick her up, put her in my arms and carry her onto the stage.”
Or maybe not. “I probably would have dropped her and opened her wound again,” Radcliffe added with a laugh, referring to K.Stew’s reason for hobbling on crutches: cutting the bottom of her foot on glass!
“I felt like this was a long time coming. I feel like we’ve been meant to meet,” Radcliffe said. “This was the perfect way. And you know what? She is so nice”really, really nice.”
On dancing and performing with Seth MacFarlane:
“I looked at them and was like, ‘Remember your first day of work on your first job? Could you believe we’re doing this now?'” Radcliffe said. “They were actually thinking the same thing. The night has been surreal. I never thought I’d be doing any of this.”
When Radcliffe was leaving the Governors Ball, he stopped to chat with Oscar producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron. “KristinChenoweth is amazing!” Radcliffe said. “Thank you for sitting me next to her.”
This was Radcliffe’s first time at the Oscars, and the big night clearly left an impression.
“It was fun,” he said. “I can’t say enough good things about Seth MacFarlane. I hold him in the highest regard.”