Royal Family Visits Warner Bros. Studio Tour

Apr 26, 2013
J.K. Rowling
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry visited the Warner Bros. Studio Tour today. J. K. Rowling was also there to greet them. While they were at the studio Prince William made a speech praising Harry Potter and Rowling:
He said: “The journey today began most obviously after the legendary story by inspiring author JK Rowing.
“Translating her phenomenal imagination on to paper in the form of the Harry Potter series. But in another sense the journey today began way before, since this country has a long and proud literary and visual arts history.”
Members of the audience then cheered and clapped as The Duke officially marked the opening of Warner Bros. studios by shutting a traditional film clapper board.
Matthew Lewis was also on hand, and he posted a picture of him and Prince William on his Twitter account.
You can read more about the royal family’s visit to the studios here at the Watford Observer – including a bit about how the Duke and Duchess had a wand duel in the Gryffindor common room! You can view pictures of their visit here in our galleries.