UPDATED: J.K. Rowling tweets about Scotland Referendum and Replies to Fans
Sep 04, 2014
As reported previously this summer, J.K. Rowling has voiced her opinions and views on the Scotland Referendum that will determine whether or not Scotland will remain united with the UK, or become independent. With voting taking place later this month (September 18), the push for last minute support from the people for both sides of the campaign has been quite intense. Ms. Rowling, who was featured on the cover of this mornings Daily Record and Forbe’s 12 Powerful Quotes from Business and World Leaders Rejecting Scottish Independence list, has taken to Twitter to continue expressing her views, starting early this morning and continuing until just a few moments ago (this article will be updated with further tweets if our favorite author continues to post them):
Better Together ?@UK_Together PLEASE RETWEET: The front page of today’s @Daily_Record says it all – No Thanks to independence. #indyrefpic.twitter.com/swrxnbLneu
Just been sent this link and I must say I’m proud to be on any list with Billy Connolly http://onforb.es/1uCfx6Q
I can’t say I consider myself a ‘world leader’ though. Maybe of worlds inside my head? In the real world I can barely lead my dog.
Independent fact checking on NHS/Scottish independence from @channel4. Last paragraph says it all if you’re busy! http://bit.ly/1waF9c7
Please keep watch on Leaky for possible information to come!
UPDATE: Ms. Rowling reminded fans and followers that being apart of the “No” campaign for the Scottish referendum does not make her a “Toryphile”, by tweeting a reprinting of her Single Mother’s Maifesto.
A small reminder for all those who try to paint ‘no’ voters as Toryphiles http://bit.ly/1rbV71e #bettertogether
UPDATE: Ms. Rowling has been quite busy on Twitter this morning. Along with her tweets on the referendum, Ms. Rowling has been answering and responding to fans’ reaction. There are far too many to list here, but please visit her twitter with replies to read more.
People before flags, answers not slogans, reason not ranting, unity not enmity #bettertogether
Typos. The curse of the passionate tweeter.
Nothing would make me happier than @UKLabour stating now that we get Devo Max in the event of a ‘no’ vote.
I want to thank all the people tweeting me lovely messages. Don’t worry about me – to paraphrase Albus Dumbledore…
If you’re waiting for universal popularity, you’ll be on Twitter a VERY long time. xxxx
I sincerely hope that the rumours in the Sunday papers that we are about to be offered Devo Max are true #bettertogether
Reports on Devo Max at the time said that Alex Salmond wanted it on the ballot paper but hardliners in his party didn’t. #indyref
and that we’ll blackmail Westminster into monetary union. Hope they’re right if it’s a ‘yes’ vote! #indyref
3 attitudes to the economy among Yessers I know personally – not 3 kinds of Yessers! I know & like many a Yesser
And the more you type Yesser, the weirder it looks.