Universal’s Harry Potter Celebration Kicks of Tomorrow

Jan 29, 2015
Tomorrow Orlando Universal Studios kicks off its Harry Potter Celebration January 30-February 1. According to Pottermore’s twitter, Pottermore reps have begun their transAtlantic travels to join the celebration. Many news stories are breaking of stars that are planned to be in attendance for Dueling Lessons–Evanna Lynch, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, and the Phelps twins (according to New Press.com). The Schedule of events was posted by Universal last week. All event packages have been sold out, but those attending can expect Film Talent Q&A with the cast and crew of Harry Potter, discussions and demonstrations (including dueling), and a celebration of the Harry Potter Expo. According to Orlando’s schedule of events, the celebration with begin with a movie in the park tomorrow night. It is a pact schedule, including activities for separate Houses to be together, and closes with the long awaited for discussion with the cast and crew about behind the scenes of Harry Potter. Stay tuned in here at Leaky for updated news for this weekends Pottermania.
Submissions are being taken at [email protected]. Those in attendance of this celebration, feel free to email us or share your contributions in the comments below!