Listening to Rupert Grint
Jul 27, 2015
Book Reviews, Grint
Looking for an audio book for your last road trip of the summer? Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) narrates the audio books editions of British author Liz Pichon’s series of Tom Gates books.
In the first book, The Brilliant World of Tom Gates, fifth-grader Tom tells a comic tale of teacher-misunderstandings, a tormented teenage sister, concert tickets, and rock bands through a diary-style narrative.
Grint’s friendly voice and child-like persona fit the story perfectly, and listening brings scenes from the early Harry Potter films to mind, when Grint himself was about the same age as Tom Gates. (Ever wonder what Tom would think of bogie-flavored beans?)
Grint brings not only the voice of Tom Gates to life, but also Gates’ imitations of the people he knows. Grint differentiates between them all and gives each character a personality. Had the audio effects been less obtrusive, Grint’s performance would have shone even more, but all of the loud sounds and noises are probably just what a fifth-grade boy would want in his audio diary.
Listen here for a sample of the audio book available from Bolinda Publishing, and thank you, Ice Cream Man, for the information.