Daniel Radcliffe on Rupert Grint Being Too Nice

Dec 16, 2015

Posted by: Catherine

News, Radcliffe

For those of you who were able to watch Tom Felton’s documentary, Superfans, you already know of Rupert Grint‘s inability to say no to anyone or anything. Tom was able to sit down with Rupert and interview him for his documentary. Rupert rencountered a time where he ended up at a fans’ house because he was too nice to say no. Then they joked about Rupert in drag (?)–you’ll have to watch Superfans to figure that one out.

When Tom sat down with Daniel Radcliffe during the making of his documentary, he told Dan Rupert’s stories. Dan was surprised to say the least–he was also concerned about the safety of his friend.

While Dan was on the Graham Norton show recently, the subject of Rupert’s inability to say no to fans became the subject of a good joke. Watch below:

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