Entertainment News Interviews Eddie Redmayne on ‘The Danish Girl’

Jan 18, 2016

Posted by: Emma Pocock

Fantastic Beasts, News, Redmayne, Redmayne Interviews

Entertainment News interviewed Fantastic Beasts Eddie Redmayne on the process of filming The Danish Girl, for which he has just been nominated for the Best Actor Oscar.

Eddie spoke about how the long it took to make The Danish Girl a reality – saying the whilst filming Les Misérables (which came out in 2012),  he spoke to director Tom Hooper about a script he’d been working with for years for The Danish Girl, which only got funded whilst Redmayne was filming A Theory of Everything (released 2014) – taking a total of 12 years to become a reality!

He spoke about how important his role in The Danish Girl was, and the importance of educating himself before giving his performance as Lilli Elbe, and a beautifully eloquent summary of the film’s moral:

‘What found amazing about this film is it’s a love story, and it places love as this thing that is not defined by bodies, by gender – it’s about souls, really.’

Watch the interview here!

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