J.K. Rowling One of Time’s 30 Most Influential People on the Internet 2016

Mar 21, 2016

Posted by: Catherine

J.K. Rowling, News

Every year, Time Magazine gathers a list of the most influential people on the internet. Not surprisingly, our favorite tweeting author has made the list. J.K. Rowling took the number 8 spot on the list of 30 most influential internet users in 2016.

Time said of the Harry Potter author,


“More than any other author, J.K. Rowling has cast a spell over the Internet, using Twitter and her website Pottermore to expand the Harry Potter universe. Over the past year, she has revealed everything from why Hagrid can’t produce a Patronus to the fact that Hogwarts tuition is free to the history of North American magic in general (though some criticized her for using details from existing Native American legends). Rowling has also made headlines for fighting with a member of Scottish Parliament, comparing Donald Trump to Voldemort and offering support to fans with depression.”



The entire list may be read here.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.