Happy Birthday, Professor Slughorn!

Apr 28, 2017
Birthdays, Character Birthdays, News
Today we wish a very happy birthday to the humble Professor Horace Slughorn, Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts.
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Slughorn fought valiantly against Voldemort, with the bravery that pushed him (along with some Liquid Luck on Harry’s part) to share his memories of Tom Riddle, ultimately leading to the defeat of Voldemort.
Slughorn was fond of Lily Potter and told Harry about her upon meeting him, sharing his admiration for Lily’s intellect and determination. A pureblood himself, he was never seemed a promoter of blood-racism (though fell into slurs occasionally), and was friends with Albus Dumbledore for many decades. A brilliant teacher, a good wizard and a master of armchair disguise, Slughorn proved again and again that although he’s an introvert at heart, he’ll step up to the plate when needed. He earned a most deserved portrait in Hogwarts. There was even that one time he went meta, cracked the fourth wall and called Ron Weasley “Rupert”, even if it was just because he couldn’t remember his real name.
Here’s his eulogy to Aragog, he completely winged it:
And here’s a fan theory on just how much Lily’s death impacted the professor, and the guilt that led him to go into hiding:
Join us in wishing Slughorn a very happy birthday – what we wouldn’t give to wrack his brains at Slug Club!