Final Product

Dark Mark Tote


Tote bag
Dark Mark stencil
Freezer paper
Craft knife
Black acrylic craft paint
Foam brush


Pre-wash and dry the tote bag according to the manufacturer's directions, but do not use fabric softener.

Print the Dark Mark stencil onto the freezer paper, making sure to print on the side that is not shiny.

Using the craft knife, cut out the black areas of the stencil, so that you are left with holes in the shape of the dark mark.

Cut around the edges of the dark mark so that you have an outlined stencil.

Iron the stencil, shiny side down, onto the tote bag where you want your dark mark to be.

Place some newspaper or cardboard in your tote bag, so that the paint does not bleed through.

Paint over the cut out area of the stencil using black acrylic paint and the foam brush.

Allow to dry for about 20 minutes, then carefully remove the freezer paper.

Allow the paint to finish drying.


© ryelle33. Tutorial was taken with permission from the HP_costuming community on LiveJournal.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.