Personalized Guess Who tutorial by Randofo
Guess Who? board game
Card stock
Craft knife
Ruler or straight edge

Card Backs
Click on the images for full-sized pictures.

Blue card back

Red card back

Yellow card back

Card Fronts
Click on the images for full-sized pictures.

Blue card front - artwork by Makani

Red card front - artwork by Makani

Yellow card front - artwork by Makani

Use the images here, courtesy of buttfacemakani on LiveJournal, and Randofo's Personalized Guess Who tutorial to make your very own Harry Potter Guess Who? Game!

Final Product

Harry Potter Guess Who? - 1
Harry Potter Guess Who? - 2

© lezlishae's tutorial was taken with permission from her LiveJournal account.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.