WB’s Alan Horn: “We Love Our Fans”

Aug 15, 2008

Posted by: SueTLC


While we have new photos from “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” and news about “Deathly Hallows” (see below) to occupy our time, reaction to the news that HBP has been pushed back until next July continues to dominate the press. Today, the LA Times has a new article online that notes the furious reaction by Harry Potter fans (“among the most intense devotees in contemporary pop culture”), and points out that “petitions were circulating, rumors were flying and angry screeds were being posted on Internet sites within minutes of the Thursday announcement.” The fact that fans were upset with the announcement of the new release date was not lost on Warner Bros president Alan Horn. The LA Times included this gem that reads as follows. “Horn acknowledged that the studio would have to pacify fans in the months to come: “We would never do anything to hurt one of the movies or the series. We love our fans.”

On a related note, the rescheduling of the film has impacted other events tied in to the previously scheduled release this fall. The BBC reports that indeed the Royal Performance and UK premiere of the film had been canceled.But he was hopeful a Royal premiere would still go ahead this year.

In the same article, WB’s Alan Horn is also cited as saying “I’ve seen the movie. It is fabulous. We would have been perfectly able to have it out in November.”

Among all the disappointment, there is a bit of bright news for IMAX who announced that “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince would be screening on the day of release, July 17, 2009. Reps for the company also said that “when “Harry Potter” does open next summer, it will appear in close to 100 of its new digital theaters, as opposed to about 40 estimated to be in operation by November. “It’s a better revenue opportunity for us at that point.” IMAX says that, as announced previously, they will also release HBP which will contain parts of the film in 3-D.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.