Rowling’s Original Handwritten Chamber of Secrets Manuscripts on Display at Book Festival

Sep 19, 2010
Harry Potter and the Philosophers / Sorcerers Stone
J.K. Rowling’s original and signed manuscripts from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will be on display at the Wigtown Book Festival from today, according to a report in The Scotsman. Framed handwritten pages from the second book, including edited-out Ballad of Nearly Headless Nick, will be on display at ReadingLasses bookshop in Wigtown, Scotland.
The manuscripts, donated by the Harry Potter author to the Scottish Language Dictionaries in 2005 to help fund a new Scottish language dictionary, now belong to book collector and publisher Ilyas Khan. The Wigtown Book Festival runs until the 2nd of October; you can find out more information about what’s on here at the Wigtown Book Festival website.