Harry Potter E-Books to be Available to Schools and Libraries

Feb 27, 2012
Pottermore and OverDrive, “a leading distributor for the school and library market,” have entered into an agreement that will allow the entire Harry Potter series to be freely available to students and library patrons:
OverDrive director of marketing David Burleigh said the e-books and
audiobooks are not yet available, though libraries and schools can
pre-order them. The “go-live date” is to be announced, he said.
Worldwide, the e-books will be available in ePub on PCs, Macs, Android
devices, iPhones, iPads and Blackberries, plus reading devices including
the Kindle and Nook, with Kindle support in the US only. The audiobooks
will be available in MP3 format.
Both the CEO’s of Pottermore and OverDrive discussed this new arrangement:
Pottermore c.e.o. Charlie Redmayne said: “We are keen to support
public and school libraries, and OverDrive, as one of the leading
suppliers in this market, provides us with a global network that helps
us achieve this, as well as encouraging the discovery of these amazing
books across the world.”
OverDrive c.e.o. and president Steve Potash said: “J K Rowling’s
Harry Potter is a once-a-lifetime phenomenon and has been an extremely
significant catalyst for reading and literacy for current and future
generations. We are honoured to bring this beloved storytelling
experience digitally to public and school libraries worldwide.”
You can read the rest of the article here.
Many thanks to Max and roonwit for owling!