Apr 29, 2001
According to lots of news at Harry Potter Galleries J.K. Rowling confirmed in a BBC Newsround interview that Crookshanks is part Kneazle. What’s that? Read “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them” or check out Harry Potter galleries for more details. More news to come.
Apr 27, 2001
An extremely dedicated fan of The Leaky Cauldron mailed us the Gloucester Today article. Coming soon, the full photo layout and text of the article. Here’s a teaser:
Apr 27, 2001
Ms. Rowling has been very busy this week – she also helped open The Stuart Centre for MS (multiple sclerosis), a disease that contributed to the death of her mother and visited with those diagnosed with the disease.
Apr 27, 2001
A Letter to the Editor of the Wilmington Morning Star has a message for parents who don’t want Harry Potter in school libraries.
Apr 27, 2001
Harry Potter Galleries has posted REAL collectible cards for the Chocolate Frogs as mentioned in the Harry Potter book series – not the crappy Harry Potter character cards being sold by Warner Bros. with their Chocolate Frogs.
Apr 27, 2001
Someone emailed us this item from the Greensboro News Record Police Blotter: A teacher at Asheboro’s McCrary School reported the theft of an AM/ FM cassette/CD player, calculator and Harry Potter cassette. The items, worth $210, were taken from the 400 Ross St. school about3 p.m. Tuesday.
Apr 27, 2001
A reader emailed us an article from the London Evening Standard about John Hurt -confirmation of his casting as Mr. Ollivander: Hurt has two children, 11 and eight, just the right age to take out of school and fly over to the set of the Harry Potter movie for a day, which he recently did. …read more!
Apr 27, 2001
J.K. Rowling is also nominated for a Hugo Award (in the Novel category) for Goblet of Fire.
Apr 27, 2001
J.K. Rowling wins a WH Smith book prize for “book of the year” for Goblet of Fire.
Apr 27, 2001
The London Independent’s Terence Blacker seems to think the rise in interest with boarding schools is J.K. Rowling’s fault and not to her credit.