Yeah, okay, I need to
May 09, 2002
Yeah, okay, I need to say this: Everyone in the media, please calm down about HP5. Ever since the NYTimes article came out we’ve been bombarded with down-in-the-mouth articles about how fans are going to mope about all summer without it, how kids will stop reading, how the book won’t be released this year, how it won’t be released until next June, how it won’t be released until the next millennium. All that article said was that the publishers expected it to come out sometime before June 2003. And that amounts to…nothing. All we know, all we’ve ever known for sure, is that JKR is still writing the book – or if she’s not, that fact is not meant for public consumption. No one has yet ruled out autumn, while it does get more unlikely by the day. Sometime before June 2003 may mean June 2003, January 2003, December 2002, any time inbetween…or tomorrow! (Though I wouldn’t place bets on that one.) We have absolutely nothing to say one way or the other. So if you’re in the media, if your job and ultimately responsibility is to disseminate information, please understand that jumping on a pessimistic possibility just to make an article interesting is unprofessional. And it’s causing a lot of fans senseless upset. Let us know when there are facts! JKR: we’ll wait, trust us. 🙂