Events, Contest in Richmond Indiana

Jun 04, 2003

Posted by: Melissa Anelli


The Palladium-Item has an article that talks about a rather large mall-wide launch party at the Richmond Square Mall starting at 9pm and closing after all books are sold (around 12:30am).

The newspaper is also having a contest.

What’s one trait of your favorite Harry Potter character you wish you had?

To preview the newest Harry Potter book release, the Palladium-Item is asking area adults and children to submit responses of 100 words or fewer. Some will be published in the newspaper as part of a story.

The submission deadline is June 9.

The Palladium-Item prefers to receive submissions via e-mail at [email protected]. Essays also may be delivered to the attention of Rachel Sheeley at the newspaper at P.O. Box 308, 1175 N. A St., Richmond, IN 47375 or faxed to (765) 973-4570.

Each essay must include the author’s name, address, age and telephone number.

Please mark submissions “Harry Potter essay.”

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.