Jul 30, 2003
How has Harry Potter affected the world of fantasy writing and publishing? Thoughts from author Tamora Pierce, as well as publisher and editor Sharyn November: Potter’s popularity has only made things better, she believes. “Fantasy literature is in a wonderful place right now. I’m sure some of these books have changed people’s lives. It’s an …read more!
Jul 30, 2003
Another article on electronic book piracy, and the attempts to stop it: Neil Blair, solicitor at the Christopher Little Literary Agency, agents to J K Rowling, monitors the internet, identifies pirates and tries to stop them. Hundreds of illegal Harry Potter book files been found and removed worldwide. Most are in the UK or US …read more!
Jul 30, 2003
And it starts…The Sun has posted a bunch more PoA pics, including Hermione threatening Draco Malfoy (looks like Cuaron had Felton ditch the hair gel – gotta say, yay), Harry talking to McGonagall while the rest of the students seem to be leaving for Hogsmeade and Harry almost getting run over by the Knight Bus. …read more!
Jul 29, 2003
Tnew July 2003 issue of Art & Frame Review has Mary GrandPre as the featured artist and the cover shows the beautiful illustration of Night Owl from a cover of Goosebumps. There are also two (small) Harry Potter color illustrations. One is the Time magazine cover and the other is the complete CoS cover all …read more!
Jul 29, 2003
The Newsweek article regarding Harry Potter will be available for Australian Potter fans in the August 5, 2003 issue of The Bulletin with Newsweek. Thanks, Rebecca, for keeping us informed!
Jul 29, 2003
An article featuring our own Heidi talking about Nimbus 2003 is posted here. Hopefully. Assuming we haven’t crashed the internet again! 😛
Jul 29, 2003
On Thursday, I’ll be hosting the noon (Eastern US time) Book Club chat on USAToday’s website, in honour of Harry’s 23rd birthday. Check back here on TLC later today for access information and learn how to submit your questions – although, of course, you can always ask me questions here on TLC or on our …read more!
Jul 29, 2003
A review of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix from The Spokesman-Review. Reading this book makes me realize how unlikable Harry really is. He is full of self-pity and unrepentantly takes pleasure in the troubles of even his friends when they displease him. He’s not your typical hero. Registration is required, but it’s …read more!
Jul 29, 2003
Look at that, you’ve broken our site again. 🙂 The comments feature was overloading the server, so we’ve switched back toYahooGroup posting until we can get switched over to a new server, which will be soon. All our Terms of Service rules still apply, you don’t have to join the group to post – be …read more!
Jul 29, 2003
An editorial in The Beacon Journal examines the controversy surronding Harry Potter…a fictional character. But the parent must still be the parent. If a book is responsible for a child’s moral development, there is void that needs to be filled. Thanks for the tip, John!