Happy Birthday TLC Poster Delleve, from Jo
Dec 22, 2004
To those of you who were wondering in our comments section on Monday night (while everyone was going mad putting the puzzle together in real-time) whether Jo was sitting there cackling at us figuring all this out, here’s your answer from the lady herself:
So now you know! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be available from July 16th 2005 (and I do hope you consider it a decent birthday present, Delleve-who-posts-at-the-Leaky-Cauldron… not that I was watching the fansites on Monday night or anything…)
Tee hee. (Delleve’s original post went: “HBP. Comes. Out. On. My. Birthday. Holy flying giraffes!”). Also check out JKRowling.com’s News and Rumors section, as Heidi has posted about below, for more about the recent madness.
Update, Delleve responds, and the response just…says it all:
What am I supposed to say?
Because there are NO WORDS to describe how I’m feeling right now. Whomever offered me an oxygen tank, I think I might need it!
I’d like to thank the flying giraffes for all that they do, all of you guys who nearly made me bust a gut reading your comments, and Jo because she is awesome and knows who I am. *begins to hypervenilate*