Leaky Presents… PotterCast! Bonnie Wright, Stuart Craig, You, and a lot more!

Aug 22, 2005
We are so proud and excited to finally bring you PotterCast, Leaky’s first official podcast!
We have been fooling around with the podcast technology for so long, and wanted to bring this to you long ago but HBP got in our way! That silly book! We can’t wait to share what we’ve created with you. But we know you have questions. So first:
What’s PotterCast?
It’s the Harry Potter podcast. A podcast is a pre-taped radio show that you listen to at your leisure – whether at your desk, in your car, in your music player as you jog – whatever you like. We make it and upload it; you subscribe to a service that automatically downloads it into your favorite music player or just on your computer, and listen whenever and wherever you want! (If you want to learn more, visit Wikipedia.)
How do I listen to or download PotterCast?
All info about listening to this podcast is at our new URL for it, PotterCast.com.
The very best way to listen is to set up a service to automatically reap the Potter Cast for you each week as it becomes available. iTunes, iPodder and Odeo are great methods of doing this – we find iTunes the best and iPodder a close second. The bar below gives you all the links you need to do so:
Listen/Subscribe / Call in/contact / Leave voicemail
What’s on PotterCast? This week? SO MUCH! Our Extendable Ears segment brings you interview clips with Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) and Stuart Craig (HP Production Designer), who talk about book six, movie four and the beginnings of work on movie five. Our Modcast segments features our moderators from Leaky Lounge sounding off on book six. The In the Know segment interviews someone with books/movies/music expertise who offers an informed opinion on Harry Potter and the franchise. Our In the Fan Corner segment interviews one fan, in-depth, about their reactions to the books and films – and that person, from now on, could be you.And next week, we will have the first HP game show, Potterania on the podcast. To find out how to be the fan interview or on Potterania, you’ve got to listen in and read PotterCast.com!
But I’m really afraid of these technological podcast reaper thigamajigees. Don’t be. It’s incredibly easy. iTunes makes it so easy it’s sort of silly – if you have it installed and click on our iTunes link, you’ll go right to our podcast. Just click “subscribe,” and our first show will start downloading (though on our listing, all you’ll get is a teaser; you have to hit ‘subscribe’ to start receiving the cast). And we’ve even got a feature for you where you can download a podcast reaper that already has PotterCast subscribed. It doesn’t get easier than that! (NOTE that the previous link takes you to the links for iPodder for Windows and Mac, NOT to iPodder itself. Make sure you read the text you get directed to.) And it is all free. If you already know how all this works, our feed is here. And if you really can’t get through with the services, there’s a direct-download link on PotterCast.com.
But why does the sound go up and down in levels?
Well, few podcasts these days do what we’re trying to do: bring you a lot of short, fun segments instead of one long session. As a result, the audio will change sometimes between segments. We’re working on this technoglitch and as we go on this will only get clearer, and better. You can still hear the whole thing as it is, but perfection is a ways off. 🙂
Well, that’s all for now! ENJOY! We can’t wait to hear what you think!
Update: We got our first bit of HP-celeb feedback a few minutes ago when Chris Rankin said, “Loving it!” and promised to be on future shows. Just more to look forward to, and thanks Chris!
Update #2: Only a few hours in, we’ve cracked the top 100 on iTunes; at last check we’re #8 (more popular than George W. Bush’s radio address, folks, check it out!) Thanks guys!