PotterCast Video Special: John does the dance dance

Apr 23, 2006
A wee little off-topic giggle for you all; as PotterCast listeners know, TLC Creative Director John Noe has been promising to videotape himself doing “Dance Dance Revolution” in a Slytherin robe as soon as readers sent in 10 gift cards to Chipotle…well, they’ve come, and he’s done it, and it’s now directly downloadable here (it won’t work on iTunes for some strange reason, guys). We normally wouldn’t post such ridiculousness except…you’ll understand when you see it. We just had to. It’s a red-letter day here at Leaky, folks…enjoy, if you dare.
Much thanks to Andrew of MuggleCast for trying to help us reconvert the file so it would work! If you all are still having troubles, for now try the YouTube version – thanks ChipotleLover!