Dan Radcliffe NOT Attending Queen’s Birthday Party

May 26, 2006
Previously, it has been reported that actor Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) would be taking place in a special live show as part of the Queen’s 80th birthday party on June 25. Tonight, both DanRadcliffe.com and DanRadcliffe.co.uk are reporting that they have confirmed with Dan’s reps that he would in fact NOT be attending this party. Author J.K. Rowling is still confirmed to attend and she will be reading from Half-Blood Prince at this event that will be broadcast on the BBC. Dan will be sitting for his AS-Level exams during this time period in June, and will also be going on holiday. Production for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is going on hiatus now to let the younger actors study for exams and have a break, before resuming filming in mid-July. Thanks to Jenna and Page for the clarification!