JKR Updates Website: Third Book Seven Title Being Considered; Spell Definitions Clarified
Oct 31, 2006
JKRowling.com has been updated! In her new diary entry, Jo says that she is now considering a THIRD title for book seven, but that this doesn’t concern her, as some of the previous books have had several titles in the offing before one was settled on. Quotage:
“Title three currently ahead by a short nose, or perhaps that should be a vowel and two consonants.”
Jo also says that she has had “a great writing week” and talks about the satisfaction that brings:
I’ve just had a great writing week. There are few feelings more joyous than reading back over the week’s work and thinking ‘that’s not bad at all”, as opposed to the all-too-frequent, ‘it’s rubbish, I’ve wasted a week and I’ll have to re-write the lot.’ And if you think that’s an exaggeration or false modesty, you are very, very wrong. It’s perfectly possible to put in eight hour days and have nothing to show for them but a single idea that, if reworked completely, might be passable.
Finally, Jo congratulates the latest group of W.O.M.B.A.T. test-takers, saying, “You’re getting pretty good.”
Happy Halloween Everyone!
UPDATE: Eagle-eyed readers have reminded us that there is another update on Jo’s site — the “Extras” section now contains an entry differentiating spells, charms, hexes and curses. Thanks, everyone!