“Heart of Ravenclaw,” “Deadly Veil” Never Contenders for HP Title

Dec 24, 2006

Posted by: Melissa Anelli


Since “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was revealed as the title to Harry Potter 7, some sites have reported that two other registered Harry Potter trademarks – Harry Potter and the Heart of Ravenclaw and Harry Potter and the Deadly Veil may have been the other two titles that J.K. Rowling said she was considering. These reports are false; a representative for Jo said the titles were “never contenders” for Harry Potter 7.
“We often registered a few spares to keep people guessing!” the spokesperson said, adding, “whether Jo reveals what her two other favorites were, I don’t know.”

Quite a few spares had been registered, actually; our own research revealed that 24 patents had been registered leading up to the release of the title. Only the first five were registered on Dec. 5; the rest were registered earlier. These were registered as “Harry Potter and the…”:

Heart of Ravenclaw
Deathly Hallows
Deadly Veil
Demon’s Sword
Quest of the Serpent
Grey Lady
Heir of Gryffindor
Lost Sceptre
Broken Wand
Gryffindor Quest
Peverell Quest
Wand of Gryffindor
Ring of Destiny
Elder Wand
Revenge of Dumbledore
March of the Death Eaters
Return of the Dark Lord
Curse of Nagini
Last Prophecy
Hallows of Hogwarts
Mudblood Revolt
Seventh Horcrux
Wand of Grindelwald
Final Curse

Whether Jo’s other two favorites is among this bunch is unclear, but only she will reveal them, in time, if she chooses to do so. Special thanks to roonwit!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.